Increase Sales & Profits
Ads for products sold in your store reach customers at the point of decision — increasing sales. Information and tips educate consumers and remind them of products they have been eager to try.
Targeted Marketing & Advertising
Do it Best Radio employs the four cornerstones of marketing and advertising to target consumers; ‘Advertising’, ‘Sales Promotion’, ‘Merchandising/Display’, and ‘Public Relations/Publicity’.
Build Loyal Customers
Uplifting music, products, information and tips, community service messages and savings opportunities provide your customer a pleasant and enriching shopping experience. You gain new loyal customers.
Add New Revenue Streams
Do it Best Radio allows you to harvest vendor promotional dollars and share in the revenues. Stimulate impulse sales. Up to 75% of buying decisions are made at the point of purchase. Your radio ads will ask for the sale when the customer is ready to buy.